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Jun 5, 2018

#SelfCare is #TrendingNow. And we love it. 

30-day challenges, cleanses, finance boot camps, etc. are "microwave," short-term solutions. They're quick but can lead to failure, burnout and might not get you to your goals. Self-care, on the other hand, can lead you to gradual, long-term change for your fitness, relationships, or finance (and even fun!). 

Before you start to make a change and invest in your own self-care, you have to ask: who are you doing it for? Here's what we know: 

  • Doing something to make other people happy won't get you far
  • Doing something for yourself is rewarding, more likely to be successful, more sustainable, and something you can be proud of

When we have taken care of ourselves, that's when we become better people. Being selfish can actually help us become more selfless. Take it day by day and you'll get there. 

Until we see you again, take care!